Monday, September 26, 2005
On The Road Again
Once again I am calling on the wonderful website to guide me to a new abode, a great site it is to, and I recommend it although it didn't actually help me find anywhere last time... It'll be easier to move this time as all my mini-discs are going home and the CDs are destined for eBay as I have a Sony 20 Gb MP3 player and, although I've not had a chance to put my music on it yet and I'm at the mercy of others peoples less impressive taste, makes me happy (As one would expect after a morning of listening to Wire and MC5).
The only other thing to mention is that while having friends over from England we went to check out the Dracula Bram Stoker Experience. It's a bit out of the city, and street urchins and an IRA Rally seemed determined to stand in our way, but I assure you a great time was had by all and the one person who said she wouldn't scream screamed loudest of all. It's only takes ten mins. to do the scary part, which is what we're interested in, but for the more studios there is a detailed introduction on the life of Bram Stoker for you to read at leisure, and two half hour documentries at the end, for the rest of the revelers there is a pub and air hockey. The centre has loads of other stuff to enjoy, a swimming pool and climbing wall, loads of computer games and that stupid dance machine I attempted once and never again.
It's been a good week.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Hair Cut Blues
- Vodka / Brany / Whiskey / Wine training
- Customer service training
- Health benifits (Something very good to have over here)
- Loads of social events
- Complimentry hotel night
- Discount for friends and family
The great John W. cut his hair last year and now his brother has followed suit, Jon C. to has cut his hair. I can understand seeing it as a symbolic change but doing it for a job, I think I'd be doing it for the wrong reasons.
But such a great job....
Friday, September 09, 2005
Beck and Gangster Rap
Schneider visited some jail to work on German gangster-rap with some prisoners". Not sure if this is some sort of German attempt at humour, because as it was once said, "The German sense of humour is no laughing matter".
This is also odd because Mr. TM is actually, I can exclusivly reveal, the secret identity of Beck! Theres heaps of evidence for this crack pot theory:
- He's signed to Mute North America when he is in fact German
- Beck is known to have a contract that allows him to relase things on smaller labels
- Schnider Tm has constant vocal distortion, what's he trying to hide?
- Few pictures are avaliable of TM, and on ones that are, such as the cover of Zoomer, his face is obscured
- None of thier tour dates clash
- C'mon, it's obvious....

And I Can't Forget....
Imagine my surprise last night when I ended up hooking up with a woman of the diminutive height of 5 ft 2". Mind you, when deciding what to avoid I always end up settling for the exact trait, so its no surprise I ended up with the exact opposite.
When going to check out what bars where after staff last night two girls asked me direction to a club, The Viper Rooms, and being the gent that I am, and heading that way, I of course walked them to the doors. Then, for the first time in my life, near random woman bought me drinks, "by jove" I thought to myself, "this is turning into quite the random adventure". This suspicion was confirmed at the end of the night when the shorter of the girls involved gigglingly asked if she could kiss me.
So, looks like I'm moving on better that I thought, maybe I can forget after all...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I Can't Forget
In parting I managed to tell her I thought she knew nothing about me, mislead me, that I never really trusted her and thought she had no really attachment to me, and that I didn't want to stay in touch, and yet it was still the best parting I've ever had (Admittedly, not hard). I didn't escape totally unharmed, I was told thing fizzled out between us after she met up with her ex, who we all knew she wasn't over, but that didn't really bother me.
I also told her I never got the two things I wanted out of the relationship, to know the score and to know the last time we where doing things. I don't know how she took all this so well, might of been the Gin & Tonics, but it might have been balancing these comments out with comments on how many unexpected things I learnt, and how I'll always think of her when eating cheese on toast.
She did make some brutally honest statements, such as that despite having much in common there was no real link between us, and that if she wasn't going now we'd of only lasted a few more months. Joke was on her, I would have been breaking up with her there and then.
I was really surprised when she said she was going to miss me, I don't think she'd ever said anything that emotive to me, it was a whole new side of her.
We parted at The Pie Dish on Harcourt Street, I told her I didn't want the last time I ever saw her to be in work, and I'm so thankful that it wasn't. The last words she said to me where "Take care of yourself, ___" (She always used my name a lot).
I couldn't believe how well it went, but I can believe now that if we'd of just spoken about this stuff sooner we'd of made much more of the last week and The Electric Picnic (Despite parting yesterday I'm sure she laughed more than she had all weekend).
It went so well that now I'm genuinely sad that she's gone. But, it was known all along that she'd go and I'd decided we'd just let it be, rather then faffing about with contact details and letting things just fizzle out. It's sore but I think it's the right choice.
I really do wish her all the best in life and thank her for being a central part in all the best times I've had in Dublin.
"It was high and wild and free and you should've seen us" -I Can't Forget, L. Cohen
Good Intentions
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Kanye West
He was talking with Mike Myers, and he suddenly starts accusing the whole American media of being racist:
Jay Z has also voiced his support for his statments
Englishman in New York
This injustive was also mentioned in the Iirish Press, I think it was in yesterdays Irish Examiner. Not that the irish press is consevative and prone to vilification, they felt it necesrry, in a very short article, to mention that Antony has appeard on stage and collaborated with Japaneese hermaphrodite, albino mathematician, Dr Julia Yasuda (I really wish I could find a picture of her...)
Great sour grapes award to the Kaiser Chiefs who described his mere presence on the shortlist as a "technicality". God knows how they feel now after the bookies favourite lost. Their fans aren't happy either.
This news also mentioned in NME and The Guardian
Finally, here's a good article on Anthony and the Johnsons for earlier this year while they where jsut rasing thier not obviously at all wigged heads.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Common People, Like You....

Electric Picnic
As festivals go it was a small affair, only 20,000 tickets and they didn't even sell out, but everybody was having a good time and seemed to be enjoying a relaxing end to the summer. I thought it was ambitious to go camping in Ireland in September, but sunny weekend all round.
First day of music was quite, only acts I really wanted to see where The Flaming Lips and Kraftwerk and what you know, they clashed, raising many questions about the competency of the organizers. Caught the end of Royksopp, with just enough time to realized I'd missed a good show, and that they dressed as Kraftwerk.
There was a big crowd waiting for The 'Werk, although some tried to catch some of The Flaming Lips before heading over, there loss, as they may have seen The Lips cover Radioactivity adn Robots, but they missed kraftwerk doing Autobahn and The Model. They sound identical as to on the new live album, the excellent Minimum-Maximum, and did all the best tunes, Vitamin, Tour De France, Autobahn,The Model, everything you could ask for (Well, short of Pocket Calculator). I never really figured out why it took four old people to play the music that seemed to be running of a concealed iPod, a point proven when they played Robots. Well, they didn't, robots did, and they seemed to do very little. I was under the impression that they actually played the keyboards instead of spinning around like broken car assembly machines, another dream shattered...
The best thing to do of an evening was the Silent Disco. It was great people bopping away to silence, and better still to take part, I think the technology would make a great gig. Of course, people where trying to steal the headphones, the friend I went with told me it was the only time she'd ever heard me condone stealing, that's how much I liked the Silent Disco. Adding to the confussion, they also had two DJs playing simulatiously, which allows people to dance as badly as they like and just pretend they're listening to the other DJ. Really, check it out.
Second day was wicked, line up messed about so got to see a cool Danish band, Who Made Who when looking for Husky Rescue, who turned out to be rubbish anyway. Who Made Who however where a trio who just had that Scandiavian comedy look about them, odd clothes and moustaches that don't qite fit thier image or the decade. They have that electro-disco sound the kids like these days and it got people in and got me dancing, definitely a favourite of the weekend, although I can track down absolutely nothing about them other than that they're signed to Gomma Records). Must find thier album (Cheaply)
Guilty pleasure of the weekend was seeing Human Leauge, as although I only wanted to hear the hit (You know the one I mean, biggest selling single of 1981). Of course it was the final song they played so I stayed all set, but by jovi did I know a lot more of thier stuff than I thought, and hell, it was a festival so i wasn't going to inhibit myself, 80's dancing it was!
Mr. Scruff, what a legend, played for three hours. To my shame it was the first time I ever saw him live, a terrible smudge on my claim to Mancunianity...
Elbow, Soulwax / 2 Many DJs, Mercury Rev, Doves, so many good bands on the second day that I could only take the pace with the help of wheatgrass and menthol crystals, that, and half a litre of Lucozade. Lemon Jelly where wicked, clearly talented people and having a good time. I thought the visuals weren't living up to expectations but then they did Nice Weather For Ducks and that shut me up.
Nick Cave was the final act, but I'll save that for another time as I've already ran out of creative juices and Neighbours is on
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Free Gig
But there where no touts, so I thought I'd have a walk around the walls to find somewhere with good acoustics and settled by the backstage gate. There where some skater Goth girls who must have only been there for the support act, Mr. Manson, but they seemed to dig what was going on, and they where certainly delighted when somebody came out and started giving away complimentary tickets.
I got in just as they started Run For The Hills, and despite my initial skepticism about seeing The Maiden, I got into it dam quick and was soon singing loudly and badly, headbanging, playing air guitar and doing the devil horn thing, 100% involved in the theatrics. I was glad I was there alone so no one could see me giveing into this guilty pleasure.
I didn't plan staying long, as was proven with Spinal Tap 2, the heavy metal joke only stretches so far, I only wanted to hear two more songs before going and they played them back to back, Number of the Beast and Hallowed Be Thy Name. And oh how I rocked out and got involved with the "Scream for me Dublin" shenanigans!
And all for free...
But wot, no Eddy?

Eddy, sadly missed