Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ha Ha, I'm Hobbling!

Bill Hicks was a great comedian, a visionary, but sometimes he played to the whims of his audience a little too much. People followed him a bit too closely for my liking and its very rare for someone to speak against him.

"I've never seen anyone on drugs get into a fight because its fucking impossible"
-I beg to differ

"Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide. Yeah well, so does my car and it still runs"
-You're not a car, you respire, you need that precious oxygen

"Whats the write about jogging? Left foot, right foot..."

And this is where I want to differ, because as my new crutches attest, there is a lot more to jogging than meets the eye. There are a few crucial things I should have learnt sooner rather than later, for example warming up. Some stretches vastly reduces the risk of damaging your muscles and joints.

This brings me onto the second point, support. Jogging shoes, unlike in my general held belief, are far more specialized than one would believe. A physiotherapist told me today than when running you put ten times your body weight in pressure on your joints.

Hence the crutches.

This is a first for me, and as a generally active guy I'm sure the restricted movement will come as a delight, and serve only to enhance my development into The Hyde Park Hobbler. The move to Leeds it seems has now got past the honeymoon phase and left me disabled and unpaid (Work are now two weeks behind in paying me). But being the optomisting guy I am I'm sure my various other plans will come into fruition...

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