Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Born To Die In Berlin; The Ramons Museum

Of course, The Ramones Musuem is something you'd only go to if you like The Ramones, but by attending you will be exposed to what it means to LOVE The Ramones. The place is ran by a very devoted fan who saw The Ramones 101 times and aquired a treasure trove of memoribillia off eBay, you know, before it when shit. Over 300 rare promotional items (Flick knives and baseball bats), vintage tour t-shirts and various personal effects adourn the walls, so if The Ramones are what you're into then this is Heaven. Taking a look around only takes twenty minutes at top, making this a great place for a quick break from the massive and overwhelming nature of some of Berlins larger attractions, and its perhaps the most light hearted museum in a city with a very heavy history.
Naturally, having such a neice market and being a part time non-commerical venture openings are restricted to Saturday and Sundays, but openings can be arranged though the website. If arranging an opening for Christ sake, don't stand the guy up, and make sure you knock loud and clear on the door, wait around for 15 mins if it need be. Also, theres a door around the back to try, and knocking out a Marky Ramone beat may just help your chances.

While in the area also check out Porx, a Rock 'N' Roll bar of the beaten track, which while we where there played some pretty full on punk and a German language hardcore version of Dirty Old Town. As if that ain't enough theres tablefootball, the best in town they say, on a well maintained Tornado table. Finally, as if more prompting was needed, they stock Hamburgs finest export, Astra Beer, which is pretty hard to find in Berlin (Or indeed, anywhere outside of Hamburg). To find the bar take the U7 line to Gneisenaustrasse, come out the exit by the kebab shop and go right, up Zossenstrasse to Furbringerstrasse, can't miss it. To head to The Ramones Museum, use the same exit and take what I think is the second left onto Solmstrasse, bottom of the road, left hand side, buy a second hand clothes store.