Sunday, May 21, 2006
Good Lordi! Eurovision Will Never Be The Same Again...
I've been telling people all week, Gwar tribute act Lordi where a sure fire for Eurovisions! Not only did they win with a record breaking score, they've changed peoples perceptions of the event (I wanted to actually see it) and paved the way for a whole new extreme approach to the procedings.

Just think, next year, Rammstein entering for Germany with a song about hunting deer with your bare hands. Imagine the pyrotechnics, imagine the interview with Wogan...
I guess the biggest impact of Lordi being exposed to an audience exceeding 120 Million and reciving unprecidented press attention is that now I can count on an UK tour that goes beyond London (Do I hear Manchester calling?). I imagine there is also some delight in silencing the people who protested against Lordi being chosen to represent Finland, even asking the Prime Minister to remove them.

It must also be a delight to silence the expected critics who instantly assumed they where devil worshippers. As if having a home hit with Devil Is A Loser (And he's my bitch) wasn't enough, what respecting Satanist would wear a hat pictured left? If you're willing to wear a hat like that after three hours in make-up, you're okay in my book. And have you heard thier accents?
As for the people who thought Lordi would give people the wrong impression of Finland, I don't know anyone who thought the place had even a single giant bat creature, mummy or bass guitar playing deamons, and if you did, it would attract a helluva lot of people! Much more than... whatever it is people normally go to see in Finland.
And as for critics who wanted Eurovision to remain glamourous and TV friendly, who could find this picture disagreeable?

As Mr. Lordi said himself "This is a victory for open mindedness". How very true, this is one little event that will keep my faith in the world alive slightly longer.
And finally, to Finish (Boom Boom!) on a comparission, doesn't Mr. Lordi look, and even sing, a fair bit like Lemmy?

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an overall great LORDI write-up...only thing is, they ARE NOT a GWAR tribute band. they hadn't even heard of GWAR until this past year, and they have absolutely nothing to do with them. GWAR is a joke, LORDI is the real deal. great job, otherwise.
Thought you might be amused to know that that picture of Lemmy pops up every time I do a Google Image Search for Lordi.
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