Thursday, March 02, 2006
Long Hairs of Aigburth Unite And Take Over

This evenings North West Tonight contained news that alarmed me, two pupils of St. Margaret's High School, Christian and Dominic Bridge, where expelled for having long hair. I have said before about the difficulties of having long hair but this was of extra interest to me because I went to St. Margaret's High School.
If I remember correctly in my time there I never even spoke with head master Dr. Dennison, comments to cut my hair from staff where few and the worst part of it was having to put up with the other students verbal abuse as sadly Hanson where still in public memory (Sadly, so where Technohead). I just tied my hair back and I was fine.
My hair wasn't really noticeably long till I was in the Sixth Form, where Head of Sixth Form JOF seemed to have a more liberal attitude, but sadly these two are still in the lower school. I think JOF took at least some mercy on me because unlike 90% of the people I did actually have an interest in learning, and winning the first round of a national debate competition helped to. I was especially honored when at the end of school awards JOF presented me with "The Joffie" for Intellectual of the Year. Not bad for a student with long hair...
According to the Liverpool Echo elder brother Dominic was bullied at the school for two years and assaulted, loosing some sight. The student who attacked him was allowed to return to his studies, but then he had short hair. I was glad to read however that not only do their parents support their choice, but they plan to take the narrow minded bastards to court.
The story is getting some coverage on the BBC and Liverpool Echo, but no national, yet..
Contact details for the school are limited, but they do have a student forum, where I've registered to vote my support, but I'm going to have to try doing more to raise the profile of the case or do something to support them (I'd make a great support case for them)
Re-Admit The Long Haired Two!