Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I'm Off To The Land of The Ice And Snow

Thursday I'm off to Oslo, decided just before it was declared the most expensive city in the world. The reasoning is, that since the flight is only £30 return, and the bed and breakfast is only £21 a night, it would leave more money for activities such as skiing and eating cute animals, such as reindeer.
At £5 a pint it might be a tight money trip, especially as I'm going with a friend with expensive tastes. However, I think I can distract him with a day on the slopes, cheap cartons of wine and maybe a spot of seal clubbing (I imagine it's like golf, but more fun).
Another issue involves bank mix up, the £80 I stuck in self-depsoit last week has gone walk about and i'ev lost the recipt... The only money avliable in my credit card is the purcahse only, so I hope I can purchase foriegn country with that (Although I'm sure it provide far too exploitable a loophole).
Anyway, it'll either go really well, or...