Friday, January 27, 2006
Perfect? John Cale, Manchester Academy 3, 24/02/06
After seeing Lou Reed with disastrous results last year, the pressure was on one John Cale to show that ex-members of The Velvet underground still have what it takes to do a good show? Not that I was expecting him to live in his former bands shadow, witch such an impressive collection of solo albums under his belt it would be hard for him to unimpress (But then, that's what I thought about Lou Reed (The cock)).
Missed the support act (In fact, not sure if there even was one (Just like Lou Reed...) but got a good view in the suprisingly empty venue (A small venue to begin with) and things took of to a good start, with a heavy focus on newer material from Hobospaiens and Black Acetate. The first classic we got was Femme Fatal, s nice surprise, and played much in a much reworked styling. Nice. Things where looking good, on album opener "Outta The Bag" he failed to even try the high notes, but things like this are quickly forgotten when he launches into "Guts" (In B flat). Other notable moments include "Things" and before we knew it he played new single "perfect" and then left the stage. It had been good, and I was ready for him to come on for the second part of the show and treat us to the classics. The band return, "Buffalo Ballet", in the Rock 'N' Roll fashion John Cale says his shows have, spirits run high, everyone is getting into the show now that the pace is finally picking up.. Then it ends.
I must confess some disappointment with the evening, and it would be easy to dismiss, but despite everything the whole event was saved just by the fact we where watching John Cale. I mean, the mans credits are amazing, a truly gifted musician, producer for Patti Smith and the Stooges, worked with local legend's The Happy Mondays, a real good sound set up and high quality band.. But still, we didn't even get to see him play the vialo for which he is so well known.
It I also slightly unfair to make constant comparisons to Lou Reed, a shadow I'm sure the man himself has heard all too much of. But when you're part of a legacy there is always the expectation to be given a glimpse of it in order to let people hear music they where born 20 years too late for (His version of "Hallelujah" would have been nice to).
All in all the gig reads like a school report card, terms like "Not bad, must try harder" and "Excels when he applies himself" coming to mind.
it seems when he played the venue in 2003 he performed a much more satisfactory set

I must confess some disappointment with the evening, and it would be easy to dismiss, but despite everything the whole event was saved just by the fact we where watching John Cale. I mean, the mans credits are amazing, a truly gifted musician, producer for Patti Smith and the Stooges, worked with local legend's The Happy Mondays, a real good sound set up and high quality band.. But still, we didn't even get to see him play the vialo for which he is so well known.
It I also slightly unfair to make constant comparisons to Lou Reed, a shadow I'm sure the man himself has heard all too much of. But when you're part of a legacy there is always the expectation to be given a glimpse of it in order to let people hear music they where born 20 years too late for (His version of "Hallelujah" would have been nice to).
All in all the gig reads like a school report card, terms like "Not bad, must try harder" and "Excels when he applies himself" coming to mind.
it seems when he played the venue in 2003 he performed a much more satisfactory set