Sunday, August 28, 2005
Outbreak of Cellulitis
I'm currently rumbling with the Irish health system. Following the day in KIlkenny I woke up with an elbow swollen up like a tennis ball, something I blamed on the many car scrapes the day before, but which I now suspect was some sort of bed bug as I was enjoying thier being an empty room in the house (Sleeping by myself for the first time in three months, luxury).
In Ireland you have the pay an incredible 50 Euro to see a GP, money I just don't have so I just asked a pharmaicist, one of whom said I had gout, another said a mere infection which required me to burst said swelling and squeeze the pus out. Luckily I couldn't find a pin that night as I finally gave into going the doctors as my hand had swollen to Jerremy Beadle proportions. Turns out I have Cellulitis, an infection yes, but defintly one you don't pop.
I got what i could out of the doctor and was ready to hand over my 50 when I had a piece of good news, it was only 40 Euro, which made me feel slightly better. But then more good news, upon producing my passport and playing confussed forigenier I got away for free, I was even told my perscription would be free! I then lost a 50 Euro note on the way to pick up my medicine, then told I could only get free treatment with my National Isurance Card, a card which I have never been asked to produce in my life and consequently did not have on my person (Or possession at all for that matter).
Bloody karma, this is like the time I lost a camera robbing pete in the Wicklow Mountains, so damn tedious and yet typical. I did however get the perscrption for free by going to a different chemist, and now I have a week of work, on state benifits, as I eat Pringles and convelence.
In Ireland you have the pay an incredible 50 Euro to see a GP, money I just don't have so I just asked a pharmaicist, one of whom said I had gout, another said a mere infection which required me to burst said swelling and squeeze the pus out. Luckily I couldn't find a pin that night as I finally gave into going the doctors as my hand had swollen to Jerremy Beadle proportions. Turns out I have Cellulitis, an infection yes, but defintly one you don't pop.
I got what i could out of the doctor and was ready to hand over my 50 when I had a piece of good news, it was only 40 Euro, which made me feel slightly better. But then more good news, upon producing my passport and playing confussed forigenier I got away for free, I was even told my perscription would be free! I then lost a 50 Euro note on the way to pick up my medicine, then told I could only get free treatment with my National Isurance Card, a card which I have never been asked to produce in my life and consequently did not have on my person (Or possession at all for that matter).
Bloody karma, this is like the time I lost a camera robbing pete in the Wicklow Mountains, so damn tedious and yet typical. I did however get the perscrption for free by going to a different chemist, and now I have a week of work, on state benifits, as I eat Pringles and convelence.