Friday, July 08, 2005

International Humour Prt. 3

April Fool's Day, more of an international tradition than I thought.

It seems only the UK has the tradition of morning only pranks, in Poland they can take all day to joke about. France take the whole thing from a totally different perspective, they dspend the day sticking pictures of fish to peoples backs, or so I am led to believe.

I've also been taught a French joke on the subject of April Fools Day:

A woman is in the final stages of labour and after the final push her baby is born. The midwife goes to pass her over but then grabs here away and starts swinging the baby around the room, then drops her before finally throwing the newly born child out of the window.
What are you doing! cried the distraught mother,
Ha ha, only kidding, the child was still born. April Fool!!! replied the soon to be fired midwife

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