Monday, May 16, 2005

Poland Pt. 2

When I got back the hostel yesterday I decided to move all my valuables elsewhere, my valuables beinh around 40 mini-discs (How I wish I'd chosen MP3s earlier...). I forgot one item however, and now its gone, my brand new towel...

After my first night I have learnt the hostel contains 30 beds, 25 of which are taken up byPoles. There is an American and an Irish in there, I've spoken to a German and seen an Asian girl, and then there's me. I was telling a friend on mz new location and she warned me it was a rough area, and to watch out for to Polish place as there was a murder there a few months ago when a drunken argument got out of hand. Drunks, Poles.... must be somewhere else...

It mightn't be perfect there, but iot'll have to do, seeing that I got ahead of myself and booked in for a week rather than waiting to see how the first night went instead. There's a place across the road for 40 Euro per three nights, slightly more expensive but I might treat myself. Of course, this'll have to wait till I get more work. I have a job at the Guinness Storehouse but Iám not on the rota till next Mondaz, and even then I have no set amout of hours. I gave up on the HMV application after the massive blunders getting a CV to them, and today I dropped of an CV at fancy soap specailist Lush, for a laugh. The CVs are in about thirty other places to.

Ive just come to notice that the z and y kezs are the wrong waz around on the kezboard....

On a good note I bought Around Ireland With A Fridge today, although the idea was stolen of me and mz travels on public transport with a rake. That bloodz skater.

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