Saturday, May 21, 2005

I was a Green Berret in Vietnam...

I entered the world of work last night, bar tender at a hotel and night club, and in the early hours of this morning I was working away in the over 30's nightclub, Bo Jangels. It's amazing how different the art of bar tending can be between countries, and shocking how little warning you can get. Nobody told me there was such thing as red lemonade! And since when do spirits come in 35ml measures! Oh the things I learnt last night. It was also the first time ever, in my entire working history, that the boss came and asked me if I wanted to take a break, and well, I damn near wept... Not only did I get 30 min sit down, I got fed, waterd, got to meet the other staff and give out the wrong date for the FA Cup Final. I enjoyed it so much I felt guilty and turned down the two following offers of a break, but anyway, wanted to get stuck in and see what other crazy stuff there was to learn (Like washing the drink shelves at the end of a shift, never done that before). After seeing what bar work is supposed to be like it makes my existing experince look like I was trained in Sariavo, I'm the Green Berret of bar tending.

Yesterday I also tried to find the Irish Jewish Museum with a friend, we eventually got there to find it closed. Spending the whole day on my feet yesterday, prior to going to work, was not the best idea.

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