Friday, April 29, 2005
Gwar Party!
After seeing Lou Reed I was looking forward to the contrast GWAR would provide, and man, it was like being on another planet. For one, there was showmanship, and two, there was loads of it. I never went wanting to hear songs, I went wanting to see fake blood sprayed upon the innocent!
Bad taste aplenty, I mean, who in thier right mind would get up on stage and declare "911 is so funny I can't even say it without descending into laughter!". Slaying effigies of Michael Jackson, Osama Bin Laden, Arnie and George Bush Jnr also pleased the crowd, they give the show a more contemporary feel, contrasting well with the Regan / Thatcher and Mad Cow jokes from thier 80's hayday. But to be honest they could slay whoever they wanted, we only want to see to infamous fake blood, and we're greatful that they provide it at every oppertunity.
My favourite prop was the giant robotic Ronald Reagan they brought on stage, it was about eight foot tall, a cross between a Judge Dredd ABC Warrior and the Robotic Nixon from Futurama, and for added good taste, when they chopped his stomach open a Margaret Thatcher popped out (Also to be slain). Thats fresh...
It's so odd to think about who little publicity followed a band once banned fomr the country, I don't think Metro even bothered to announce the arrival of these monsters from Antartica, here to steal our childrens souls. Have we just become desenstized, or have the press leanrt to stop helping bands out with free publicity?
I really do have to mention the blood, it created the tribalistic atmosphere that drew us all into a primative state (At least thats how it felt at the front, I'm sure it looked rediculos from the back), it made you feel like a caveman celebrating a bountyful harvest or slaying a Brontosaurus, a new feeling for me. But a word of warning on the fake blood, it stains everything, even contact lenses. The stuff also died my contact lenses red, making the world orange, and combined with the stains across my face made me look so satanic that not one curry shop in Rusholme tried to lute me in, a dark day in deed. If you do have trouble getting the blood out of your cloths, I recommed a good 60 degree wash. There, aren't I helpful...
GWAR where a must see, but once see event, I'm glad to have just seen a part of shock rock history. They blew Lou Reed out of the arena, I could have seen them four times for the amount I spent on Lou Reed (Yes, I'm still bitter). Still, Lou Reed didn't dye my skin pink...

GWAR; Theatrics gaurenteed

The effect of dyed upon contact lenses
Bad taste aplenty, I mean, who in thier right mind would get up on stage and declare "911 is so funny I can't even say it without descending into laughter!". Slaying effigies of Michael Jackson, Osama Bin Laden, Arnie and George Bush Jnr also pleased the crowd, they give the show a more contemporary feel, contrasting well with the Regan / Thatcher and Mad Cow jokes from thier 80's hayday. But to be honest they could slay whoever they wanted, we only want to see to infamous fake blood, and we're greatful that they provide it at every oppertunity.
My favourite prop was the giant robotic Ronald Reagan they brought on stage, it was about eight foot tall, a cross between a Judge Dredd ABC Warrior and the Robotic Nixon from Futurama, and for added good taste, when they chopped his stomach open a Margaret Thatcher popped out (Also to be slain). Thats fresh...
It's so odd to think about who little publicity followed a band once banned fomr the country, I don't think Metro even bothered to announce the arrival of these monsters from Antartica, here to steal our childrens souls. Have we just become desenstized, or have the press leanrt to stop helping bands out with free publicity?
I really do have to mention the blood, it created the tribalistic atmosphere that drew us all into a primative state (At least thats how it felt at the front, I'm sure it looked rediculos from the back), it made you feel like a caveman celebrating a bountyful harvest or slaying a Brontosaurus, a new feeling for me. But a word of warning on the fake blood, it stains everything, even contact lenses. The stuff also died my contact lenses red, making the world orange, and combined with the stains across my face made me look so satanic that not one curry shop in Rusholme tried to lute me in, a dark day in deed. If you do have trouble getting the blood out of your cloths, I recommed a good 60 degree wash. There, aren't I helpful...
GWAR where a must see, but once see event, I'm glad to have just seen a part of shock rock history. They blew Lou Reed out of the arena, I could have seen them four times for the amount I spent on Lou Reed (Yes, I'm still bitter). Still, Lou Reed didn't dye my skin pink...

GWAR; Theatrics gaurenteed

The effect of dyed upon contact lenses

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