Saturday, March 05, 2005
Comedy Metal News
In my traditional read heavy metal Beano Kerrang in WH Smiths because I'm to old sskool to buy it but I like the bits of news and tour dates, I discovered that not only has the layout changed since my day, but that the news has become inceasibgly comic.
First, the news that KoRn guitarist, Brian "Head" Welch, has quit the group after he chose the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, news so important it even reached the BBC (If you typed it into thier search engine). He says in Kerrang that his faith clashed the bands music, and that he objected to thier last video, in which his face was imposed onto the body of a dog in a strip club. His departure has nothing to do with the bands being up thier own arses (Spending a fortune to deliver thier "come-back album" rather optimistically titled "Untouchables", which proved to be as shit as Jackos comeback "Invincable") or thier lack of new ideas as they reach thier eigth studio album (Resorting instead to covers such as Word Up and Another Brick In The Wall, and optimistically releasing Greatest Hits Volume 1., with an assumption that they actually have enough good material, or life left in them, to reach Volume 2.).
Mans Face on Dogs Body, Offensive -Brian "Head" Welch

And as for news actually effecting tallent musicians, ex Guns 'N' Roses guitar man Slash, has had his long serving hat robbed. There had been concern in the press over the hat latley as it was making fewer public apperances, but his current band, Velvet Revolver, asssured it that it was on thier last tour, and that sometimes it simply sat at the side of the stage to help the Stoke guitar legened fell secure. Imagine his horror when, while attending the grammys, his hat was stolen from his limo. The driver is denying any involvment. Worse still, fans are starting an on-line petetion to have the hat returned, and spreading the rumour that the thief has had the audacity to warn the world that the item will be appearing on eBay!
What a dark day for Rock 'N' Roll...
First, the news that KoRn guitarist, Brian "Head" Welch, has quit the group after he chose the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, news so important it even reached the BBC (If you typed it into thier search engine). He says in Kerrang that his faith clashed the bands music, and that he objected to thier last video, in which his face was imposed onto the body of a dog in a strip club. His departure has nothing to do with the bands being up thier own arses (Spending a fortune to deliver thier "come-back album" rather optimistically titled "Untouchables", which proved to be as shit as Jackos comeback "Invincable") or thier lack of new ideas as they reach thier eigth studio album (Resorting instead to covers such as Word Up and Another Brick In The Wall, and optimistically releasing Greatest Hits Volume 1., with an assumption that they actually have enough good material, or life left in them, to reach Volume 2.).
Mans Face on Dogs Body, Offensive -Brian "Head" Welch

And as for news actually effecting tallent musicians, ex Guns 'N' Roses guitar man Slash, has had his long serving hat robbed. There had been concern in the press over the hat latley as it was making fewer public apperances, but his current band, Velvet Revolver, asssured it that it was on thier last tour, and that sometimes it simply sat at the side of the stage to help the Stoke guitar legened fell secure. Imagine his horror when, while attending the grammys, his hat was stolen from his limo. The driver is denying any involvment. Worse still, fans are starting an on-line petetion to have the hat returned, and spreading the rumour that the thief has had the audacity to warn the world that the item will be appearing on eBay!
What a dark day for Rock 'N' Roll...