Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Did The Triffids play in The Cavern?
I've recently been discussing this on the Nick Cave Forum.
Outside the site of The Cavern, on the wall that once was that of new wave club Erics, is a wall in which the names of every band that played in The Cavern between 1957 - 1973 (Basically, the original, and not the tourist trap reconstruction), along with some contemporary bands throwin on for good measure. This information comes from a plaque on said wall:

Cavern Plaque
I notice on the wall a brick for The Triffids, a favourite band of mine. However, the dates mentioned on the wall seem to early for The Triffids, and I don't think they ever made enough of an impact to deseve a brick of recognition as a contempoary act., There also happens to be another band called The Triffids.
This creates a conundrum, but I hope to solve it...

The Triffids Brick
Outside the site of The Cavern, on the wall that once was that of new wave club Erics, is a wall in which the names of every band that played in The Cavern between 1957 - 1973 (Basically, the original, and not the tourist trap reconstruction), along with some contemporary bands throwin on for good measure. This information comes from a plaque on said wall:

Cavern Plaque

I notice on the wall a brick for The Triffids, a favourite band of mine. However, the dates mentioned on the wall seem to early for The Triffids, and I don't think they ever made enough of an impact to deseve a brick of recognition as a contempoary act., There also happens to be another band called The Triffids.
This creates a conundrum, but I hope to solve it...

The Triffids Brick